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Франсуа Бедарида - Черчилль
Молодая гвардия

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Политическая карьера этого выдающегося британского государственного деятеля протекала на фоне двух крупнейших событий XX века — Первой и Второй мировых войн, которые и предопределили его судьбу, всю его жизнь. Три четверти столетия длилась политическая деятельность Черчилля, познавшего и блистательные взлеты, и катастрофические падения. Но его звездный час приходится на труднейший период человеческой истории — Вторую мировую войну, когда, получив пост премьер-министра, он призвал свою нацию сплотиться на борьбу с гитлеровской Германией и стал инициатором союзнической коалиции — Великобритания — СССР — США, завершившуюся великой Победой.

Автор книги Франсуа Бедарида — французский историк, специалист по английской истории, основатель Института современной истории. На обширной документальной основе он описывает биографию Черчилля, привлекая читателя ясным, доступным языком и несомненным стремлением к объективности изложения.

Howard J. Predaza,Winston Churchill, Enoch Powell and the Nation,London, Cleveland, 1986.

Robin Prior,Churchill's «World Crisis» as History,London, Croom Helm, 1983.

Oskar К. Rabinowicz,Winston Churchill on Jewish Problems,London, Lincolns-Prager, 1956.

Marvin Rintala,Lloyd George and Churchill: how Friendship Changed Politics,London and Lanham, Maryland, Madison Books, 1995.

John Ramsden,The Age of Churchill and Eden 1940—1957,London, Longman, 1996.

Keith Robbins,Churchill,London, Longmans, 1992.

Yves Rochas,1940 Churchill et les Fran A ais: un EtE fertile en lEgendes,Paris, Nouvelles Editions latines, 1998.

Norman Rose,Churchill : an Unruly Life,London, Simon and Schuster, 1994.

Stephen Roskill,Churchill and the Admirals,London, Collins, 1977.

Peter Sainsbury,Churchill and Roosevelt at War,London, Macmillan, 1974; второе издание вышло в 1995 году.

Maxwell Philipp Schoenfeld,The War Ministry of Winston Churchill,Ames, Iowa State University, 1972.

Anthony Seldon,Churchill's Indian Summer: the Conservative Government 1951—1955,London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1981.

Robert Sencourt,Winston Churchill,London, Faber and Faber, 1940.

Arthur Lee Jr Smith,Churchill's German Army: Wartime Strategy and Cold War Politics 1943—1947,Beverly Hills, Sage, 1977.

Ronald A. Smith,Churchill: Images of Greatness,London, Kevin Francis [1990].

David Stafford,Churchill and Secret Service,London, John Murray, 1997.

Graham Stewart,Burying Caesar: Churchill, Chamberlain and the Battle for the Tory Party,London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1999.

Herbert Leslie Stewart,Sir Winston Churchill as Writer and Speaker,London, Sidgwick and Jackson, 1954.

Mary Soames,Winston Churchill: his Life as a Painter. A Memoir by his Daughter,London, Collins, 1990.

Anthony Storr,Churchill's Black Dog and Other Phenomena of the Human Mind, London, Collins, 1989.

John Strawson,Churchill and Hitler in Victory and Defeat,London, Constable, 1997.

Alan John Percival Taylor и др.,Churchill: Four Faces and the Man,New York, Dial Press, и London, Allen Lane, 1969.

David A. Thomas,Churchill the Member for Woodford,London, Frank Cass, 1994.

Carlos Thompson,The Assassination of Winston Churchill,Gerrards Cross, Colin Smythe, 1969.

Kenneth W. Thompson,Winston Churchill's World View: Statesmanship and Power,Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University Press, 1983.

Reginald William Thompson,Churchill and Morton,London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1976.

Reginald William Thompson,Generalissimo Churchill,London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1973.

Reginald William Thompson,The Yankee Marlborough,London, Allen and Unwin, 1963; пер. на фр.:Winston Churchill,Paris, France-Empire, 1965.

В. Г. Трухановский,Уинстон Черчилль,Москва, Пpoгpecc, 1978.

Fred Urqhuart ed.,Winston Churchill: a Cartoon Biography,London, Cassell, 1955.

Leon J. Waszak,Agreement in Principle: the Wartime Partnership of General Wladyslaw Sikorski and Winston Churchill,New York, Lang, 1996.

Manfred Weidhrn,A Harmony of Interests. Explorations in the Mind of Sir Winston Churchill,Cranbury N. J., Fairleigh Dickinson Press, 1992.

John Wheeler-Bennett ed.,Action this Day. Working with Churchill,London, Macmillan, 1968.

Thomas Wilson,Churchill and the Prof,London, Cassell, 1995.

Frederick Woods,The Making of Many Books: Churchill as a Writer,London, Library of Imperial History, 1975.

Frederick Woods,Artillery of Words: the Writings of Sir Winston Churchill,London, Leo Cooper, 1992.

John W. Young ed.,The Foreign Policy of Churchill's Peacetime Administration, 1951 —1955,Leicester, Leicester University Press, 1988.

John W. Young ed.,Winston Churchill 's Last Campaign: Britain and the Cold War 1951—1955,Oxford. Clarendon Press, 1996.

Kenneth Young,Churchill and Beaverbrook.London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1966.

Статьи и заметки современников об Уинстоне Черчилле

Paul Addison,Churchill in British politics 1940—1955, в книге John Malcolm W. Bean ed.,The Political Culture of Modem Britain: Essays in Memory of Stephen Koss, London, Hamish Hamilton, 1988, 243—261.

Paul Addison,Journey to the Centre: Churchill and Labour in Coalition 1940—1945, в книге Alan Sked and Chris Cook ed.,Crisis and Controversy: Essays in Honour of A. J. P. Taylor, London, Macmillan, 1976, 165—193.

Paul Addison,The Political Beliefs of Winston Churchill, «Transactions of the Royal Historical Society», 30, 1980, 23—47.

Paul Addison,Winston Churchill and the Working Class, в книге Jay Winter ed.,The Working Class in Modern Britain, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1983, 43—64.

Richard Aldrich,Conspiracy or Confusion? Churchill, Roosevelt and Pearl Harbor, «Intelligence and National Security», VII, 3, July 1992, 335—346.

Christopher Andrew,Churchill and Intelligence, «Intelligence and National Security», III, 3, July 1988, 181—193.

Jeffery Arnett,Winston Churchill: the Quintessential Sensation Seeker, «Political Psychology», XII, 4, December 1991, 609—621.

Colin F. Baxter,Winston Churchill: Military Strategist?, «Military Affairs», 47, February 1983, 7—10.

Francois Bedarida,Revisionnisme a l'anglaise: Winston Churchill, «L'Histoire», septembre 1993, 72—74.

Francois Bedarida,Churchill, в книге Jean-Pierre Azema et Francois Bedarida,1938—1948: Les Annees de tourmente Diction — naire critique, Paris, Flammarion, 1995, 553—559.

Tuvia Ben-Moshe,Churchill's Strategic Conception during the First World War, «Journal of Strategic Studies», XII, 1, March 1989, 5—21.

Tuvia Ben-Moshe,Winston Churchill and the «Second Front»: a Reappraisal, «Journal of Modrn History», 52, 3, September 1990, 503—537.

Carl Bridge,Churchill, Hoare, Derby and the Committee of Privileges, April to June 1934, «Historical Journal», 22, 1, 1979, 215—227.

Kathryn Brown,Intelligence and the Decision to Collect it: Churchill's Wartime Diplomatie Signals Intelligence, «Intelligence and National Security», X, 3, July 1995, 449—467.

T. D. Burridge,A Postscript to Potsdam the Churchill-Laski Electoral Clash, June 1945, «Journal of Contemporary History», XII, 4, 1977, 725—739.

David Cannadine,Winston Agonistes, «New York Review of Books», 15 June 1989, 36—42; переиздано в «History in Our Times», New Haven, Yale University Press, 1998.

John Charmley,Essay and Reflection: Churchill as War Hero, «International History Review», 12, February 1991, 96—104.

Eliot A. Cohen,Churchill and Coalition Strategy in World War II, издано в Paul Kennedy ed., «Grand Strategies in War and Peace», New Haven, Yale University Press, 1991.

Nicholas J. D'Ombrain,Churchill at the Admiralty and Committee of Imperial Defence, «Journal of the Royal United Services Institution», 105, March 1970, 38—41.

A. Danchev,«Dilly-Dally», or Having the Last Word: Field-Marshal Sir John Dill and Prime Minister Winston Churchill, «Journal of Contemporary History», 22, 1, 1987, 21—44.

David Day,Churchill and his War Rivals, «History Today», 41, April 1991, 15—21.

David Dilks,Allied Leadership in the Second World War: Churchill, «Survey», 1/2, 1975, 19—25.

David Dilks,The Twilight War and the Fall of France: Chamberlain and Churchill in 1940,«Transactions of the Royal Historical Society», 28, 1978, 36—65.

David Dilks,Churchill as Negociator at Yalta,издано в Olla Brundu, «Yalta: un mito che resiste», Rome, Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 1988, 91—116.

David Dilks,Churchill and France: an Affair of the Heart,Paris, British Embassy, 1999.

John Ehrman,Lloyd George and Churchill as War Ministers,«Transactions of the Royal Historical Society», 11, 1961, 101—115.

Arthur Funk,Churchill, Eisenhower and the French Resistance,«Military Affairs», XLV, 1, fevrier 1981.

A.B. Gaunson,Churchill, de Gaulle, Spears and the Levant Affair, 1941,«Historical Journal», 27, 3, 1984, 697—713.

Bentley В. Gilbert,Winston Churchill versus the Webbs: the Origins of British Unemployment Insurance,«American Historical Review», 71, 3, April 1966, 846—862.

Martin Gilbert, «The Most Horrible Crime»:Churchill's Prophetic, Passionate and Persistent Response to the Holocaust,«Times Literary Supplement», 7 June 1996.

Martin Gilbert,Winston Churchill,«Modern History Review», IV, 3, February 1993.

John Gooch,An Emblematic Prime Minister,«Times Higher Education Supplement», 1 July 1983.

Gabriel Gorodetsky,Churchill's Warning to Stalin: a Reappraisal,«Historical Journal», 24, 4, 1986, 979—990.

Gabriel Gorodetsky,The Hess Affair and Anglo-Soviet Relations on the Eve of «Barbarossa»,«English Historical Review», 101, 2, April 1986, 405—420.

William В. Hamilton,Churchill: Actor as Historian,«South Atlantic Quarterly», July 1951.

Cameron Hazlehurst,Churchill as Social Reformer: the Liberal Phase,«Australian Historical Studies», April 1976.

Michael Howard,Churchill and the Era of National Unity,издано в «The Lessons of History», Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1991, 152—165.

E. J. Hughes,Winston Churchill and the Formation of the United Nations Organization,«Journal of Contemporary History», IX, 4, 1974, 177—194.

Ronald Hyam,Winston Churchill Before 1914,«Historical Journal», 12, 1969, 164—173.

Robert Rhodes James,The Epic Concluded,«Encounter», 71, 2, 1988, 38—42.

Tage Kaarsted,Churchill and the Small States of Europe: the Danish Case,издано в Charles Brewer ed., «World War Two: the Final Year», New York, St. Martin's Press, 1998.

David Kaiser,Churchill, Roosevelt and the Limits of Power,«International Security», X, 1, Summer 1985, 204—221.

Warren Kimball,Naked Reverse Right: Roosevelt, Churchill and Eastern Europe,«Diplomatic History», 9, 1, 1985, 1—24.

Martin Kitchen,Winston Churchill and the Soviet Union during the Second World War,«Historical Journal», 30, 2, 1987, 415—436.

Jonathan Knight,Churchill and the Approach to Mussolini and Hitler in May 1940: a Note,«British Journal of International Studies», 2, 1977.

Walter La Feber,Roosevelt, Churchill and Indochina 1942—1945,«American Historical Review», 80, 1975, 1277—1295.

James Leutze,The Secret of the Churchill-Roosevelt Correspondence, September 1939 — May 1940,«Journal of Contemporary History», 10, 1975, 465—491.

Basil Liddell Hart,Churchill in War,«Encounter», April 1966, 14—22.

Piers Mackesy,Churchill on Narvik,«Journal of the Royal United Services Institution», 115, December 1970, 28—33.

Gloria E. Maguire,Notre «mal de tete commun»: Churchill, Roosevelt et de Gaulle,«Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine», 42, 4, octobre-decembre 1995, 593—608.

Lucy Masterman,Churchill: the Liberal Phase,«History Today», November-December 1964.

R. McCormack,Missed Opportunities: Winston Churchill, the Air Ministry and Africa 1919—1921,«International History Review», XI,2,1989, 205—228.

Arno J. Mayer,The Power Politician and Counterrevolutionary,издано в Kurt H. Wolff and Barrington Jr Moore ed., «The Critical Spirit», Boston, Beacon Press, 1967, 328—342.

Gerald Pawle,Christmas with Churchill,«Blackwood's Magazine», December 1973.

John H. Plumb,Churchill: the Historian[1969], издано в «The Making of an Historian: the Collected Essays of J.H. Plumb», том 1, Hemel Hempstead, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1988, 225—253.

Richard H. Powers,Churchill's Parliamentary Commentary on British Foreign Policy 1935—1938,«Journal of Modern History», 26, 2, 1954, 179—182.

Roland Quinault,Churchill and Russia,«War and Society», 9, May 1991, 99—120.

John Ramsden,Winston Churchill and the Leadership of the Conservative party 1940—1951,«Contemporary Record», IX, 1, Summer 1995, 99—119.

Goronwy Rees,After the Ball Was Over,«Encounter», November 1965, 3—9.

Albert Resis,The Churchill-Stalin Secret «Percentages» Agreement on the Balkans, Moscow, October 1944,«American Historical Review», 83, 2, April 1978, 368—387.

David Reynolds,Churchill and the British «Decision» to Fight On in 1940: Right Policy Wrong Reasons,издано в Richard Langhorne ed., «Diplomacy and Intelligence during the Second World War», Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1985, 147—167.

David Reynolds,Roosevelt, Churchill and the Wartime Anglo-American Alliance 1939—1945,издано в W. Roger Louis and Hedley Bull ed., «The Special Relationship: Anglo-American Relations since 1945», Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1986, 17—41.

David Reynolds,Churchill the Appeaser? Between Hider, Roosevelt and Stalin in World War Two,издано в Michael Dockrill and Brian McKercher ed., «Diplomacy and world power: Studies in British Foreign Policy 1890—1950», Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1996, 197—220.

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