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Гэрет Уильямс - Темное, кривое зеркало. Том 3 : След на песке

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Гэрет Уильямс - Темное, кривое зеркало.  Том 3 : След на песке
Темное, кривое зеркало. Том 3 : След на песке
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Год 2260, двенадцать лет прошло после уничтожения минбарцами Земли. Земной флот с помощью своих союзников, Теней, повернул ход войны вспять и превратил Минбар в отравленный пепел. Попытка Синевала восстановить свою власть над выжившими минбарцами была сорвана неожиданным появлением их величайшего пророка и вождя, вернувшегося наконец после многих тысяч лет отсутствия.

"Yeah, I'd say so. They were talking with Chase when I found them. He was telling them what he knew."

"And where is Chase now?"

"Dead. Very dead."

"Good. I think, Mr. Trace, it is imperative you find Miss Winters as soon as possible. She might just pose a significant threat to us."

"We're on it. She won't get out of three-o-one, trust me on that one, Boss.

"There is one other thing, might be just a coincidence, but maybe not. There's someone poking his nose into my business. Had a run-in with one of my men in a bar, and went to see the Security Chief to talk about me."

"Mr. Allan. Is he…?"

"Oh, still bribed. He told me as soon as the guy left. You might know him, Boss. His name's Smith. Dexter Smith. Used to be captain of the Babylon."

"Smith. Ah. Yes, I had heard he'd returned to Proxima, but not that he'd made for your area, Mr. Trace. As you said, it might just be a coincidence, but I don't believe in coincidence. Find him as well as Miss Winters. If you can get Miss Winters in the normal course of things, so much the better. If you can't, then kill her. Definitely kill Mr. Smith. It really won't do to have them running around Sector Three-o-one finding out things they really shouldn't be finding out. Wouldn't you agree, Mr. Trace?"

"No problem, Boss. I'll get back to you once we've found them. Trace out."

In a far more expensive and luxurious area of the colony, Mr. William Edgars, unofficial head of Interplanetary Expeditions, turned to his companion. "You heard that?"


Edgars nodded. "Don't worry. Nothing's going to interfere with the scheme. You'll get all the telepaths you need. Trust me on this."


* * *

Dexter Smith could not sleep. He had not been able to sleep since he had heard the ISN broadcast. He was not alone. All across Proxima people were not sleeping, staring up into the heavens through the clear surface of the domes, waiting for the first sight of the arriving allies.

Parents were keeping their children awake to see this once-in-a-lifetime event, just as they once had for comets or other astral phenomena. Smith could imagine the children now, excited, pointing up into the skies, waving and cheering. For many of them this would be their first glimpse of humanity's former saviours and current allies.

Not for him. He had seen them before, and he was chilled by the thought that they would be coming to Proxima permanently.

And to confirm earlier reports, President Clark and his Cabinet have assured us that our allies for these past three years will be setting up a permanent garrison in the Proxima system, both to provide extra protection for Proxima, and as a lasting symbol of our alliance. A ceremonial fly-by is expected later tonight….

Smith wondered if anyone in the Pit knew about this, or even cared. As he looked out through his window he could see that some of them obviously did. There were people congregating in the streets, talking nervous chatter and looking up expectantly. So, there was something that could make even the Pit trash all happy at the same time.

They have no idea. None at all.

There was a cheer, and then a sense of hushed awe. Smith could not help but look up, and what he saw chilled him to the bone.

They were there, not just one ship, or two, or five, or ten. Countless numbers of Shadow ships soared overhead. The people were watching; spellbound, awestruck, humbled.

Smith ducked inside his apartment and looked at the dull walls and the grimy floor. He clenched his hands into fists and felt a far greater anger than he had ever thought possible before. Did any of them have any idea what they had just done, or what they had just seen?

The Shadows had come to Proxima.

* * *

And at the same time, a few hours after Delenn of Mir had left the world she had taken for her home, jump points had opened and out had poured a vast fleet of ships older and more powerful than anyone on Kazomi 7 could imagine.

On the surface, Ambassador Ulkesh Naranek and Lyta Alexander waited for them, waited for his people to come and talk with him.

Everything was ready. Now the war could truly begin.

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