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Роберт Сапольски - Биология добра и зла. Как наука объясняет наши поступки

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Роберт Сапольски - Биология добра и зла. Как наука объясняет наши поступки
Биология добра и зла. Как наука объясняет наши поступки
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Как говорит знаменитый приматолог и нейробиолог Роберт Сапольски, если вы хотите понять поведение человека и природу хорошего или плохого поступка, вам придется разобраться буквально во всем – и в том, что происходило за секунду до него, и в том, что было миллионы лет назад. В книге автор поэтапно – можно сказать, в хронологическом разрезе – и очень подробно рассматривает огромное количество факторов, влияющих на наше поведение. Как работает наш мозг? За что отвечает миндалина, а за что нам стоит благодарить лобную кору? Что «ненавидит» островок? Почему у лондонских таксистов увеличен гиппокамп? Как связаны длины указательного и безымянного пальцев и количество внутриутробного тестостерона? Чем с точки зрения нейробиологии подростки отличаются от детей и взрослых? Бывают ли «чистые» альтруисты? В чем разница между прощением и примирением? Существует ли свобода воли? Как сложные социальные связи влияют на наше поведение и принятие решений? И это лишь малая часть вопросов, рассматриваемых в масштабной работе известного ученого.


H. Clarke et al., “Cognitive Inflexibility After Prefrontal Serotonin Depletion,” Sci 304 (2004): 878; R. Wood et al., “Effects of Tryptophan Depletion on the Performance of an Iterated PD Game in Healthy Adults,” Neuropsychopharmacology 1 (2006): 1075.


J. Dalley and J. Roiser, “Dopamine, Serotonin and Impulsivity,” Nsci 215 (2012): 42; P. Redgrave and R. Horrell, “Potentiation of Central Reward by Localized Perfusion of Acetylcholine and 5-Hydroxytryptamine,” Nat 262 (1976): 305; A. Harrison and A. Markou, “Serotonergic Manipulations Both Potentiate and Reduce Brain Stimulation Reward in Rats: Involvement of Serotonin-1A Receptors,” JPET 297 (2001): 316.


A. Duke, “Revisiting the Serotonin-Aggression Relation in Humans: A Meta-analysis,” Psych Bull 139 (2013): 1148.


A. Gopnik, “The New Neuro-Skeptics,” New Yorker, September 9, 2013.


C. Bukach et al., “Beyond Faces and Modularity: The Power of an Expertise Framework,” TICS 10 (2006): 159.


Жестокие матери и работы антибихевиористов: D. Maestripieri et al., “Neurobiological Characteristics of Rhesus Macaque Abusive Mothers and Their Relation to Social and Maternal Behavior,” Nsci Biobehav Rev 29 (2005): 51; R. Sullivan et al., “Ontogeny of Infant Fear Learning and the Amygdala,” in Cognitive Neuroscience IV, ed. M. Gazzaniga (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2009), 889.


Голоса панд: B. Charlton et al., “Vocal Discrimination of Potential Mates by Female Giant Pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca),” Biol Lett 5 (2009): 597. Голоса женщин: G. Bryant and M. Haselton, “Vocal Cues of Ovulation in Human Females,” Biol Lett 5 (2009): 12; к сноске: J. Knight, “When Robots Go Wild,” Nat 434 (2005): 954.


К сноске: H. Herzog, Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat: Why It’s So Hard to Think Straight About Animals (New York: Harper, 2010).


Коммуникация за счет вибраций: P. Hill, Vibrational Communication in Animals (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2008). Вибрирующие сигналы и эхолокация у летучих мышей: A. Corcoran and W. Conner, “Bats Jamming Bats: Food Competition Through Sonar Interference,” Sci 346 (2014): 745. Щекотание крыс: J. Panksepp, “Beyond a Joke: From Animal Laughter to Human Joy?” Sci 308 (2005): 62.


Обзор проблемы о соотношении подсознательной и осознаваемой сенсорной информации, а также о том, что выявляемый континуум может быть ошибочным: T. Marteau et al., “Changing Human Behavior to Prevent Disease: The Importance of Targeting Automatic Processes,” Sci 337 (2012): 1492.


Картофельные чипсы: M. Zampini and C. Spence, “Assessing the Role of Sound in the Perception of Food and Drink,” Chemical Senses 3 (2010): 57. K. Edwards, “The Interplay of Affect and Cognition in Attitude Formation and Change,” JPSP 59 (1990): 212.


Превосходный обзор по теме: J. Kubota et al. “The Neuroscience of Race,” Nat Nsci 15 (2012): 940; чтобы получить хороший обзор по всей теме, см.: D. Ariely, Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions (New York HarperCollins, 2008).


T. Ito and G. J. Urland, “Race and Gender on the Brain: Electrocortical Measures of Attention to the Race and Gender of Multiply Categorizable Individuals,” JPSP 85 (2003): 616. Здесь добротный обзор работ, в которых изучаются внутренние установки: B. Nosek et al., “Implicit Social Cognition: From Measures to Mechanisms,” TICS 15 (2011): 152.


A. Olsson et al., “The Role of Social Groups in the Persistence of Learned Fear,” Sci 309 (2005): 785.


J. Richeson et al., “An fMRI Investigation of the Impact of Interracial Contact on Executive Function,” Nat Nsci 6 (2003): 1323; K. Knutson et al., “Why Do Interracial Interactions Impair Executive Function? A Resource Depletion Account,” TICS 10 (2007): 915; K. Knutson et al., “Neural Correlates of Automatic Beliefs About Gender and Race,” Human Brain Mapping 28 (2007): 915.


N. Kanwisher et al., “The Fusiform Face Area: A Module in Human Extrastriate Cortex Specialized for Face Perception,” J Nsci 17 (1997): 4302; J. Sergent et al., “Functional Neuroanatomy of Face and Object Processing: A Positron Emission Tomography Study,” Brain 115 (1992): 15; A. Golby et al., “Differential Responses in the Fusiform Region to Same-Race and Other-Race Faces,” Nat Nsci 4 (2001): 845; A. J. Hart et al., “Differential Response in the Human Amygdala to Racial Outgroup Versus Ingroup Face Stimuli,” Neuroreport 11 (2000): 2351.


K. Shutts and K. Kinzler, “An Ambiguous-Race Illusion in Children’s Face Memory,” Psych Sci 18 (2007): 763; D. Maner et al., “Functional Projection: How Fundamental Social Motives Can Bias Interpersonal Perception,” JPSP 88 (2005): 63; K. Hugenberg and G. Bodenhausen, “Facing Prejudice: Implicit Prejudice and the Perception of Facial Threat,” Psych Sci (2003): 640; J. Van Bavel et al., “The Neural Substrates of In-group Bias: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Investigation,” Psych Sci 19 (2008): 1131; J. Van Bavel and W. Cunningham, “Self-Categorization with a Novel Mixed-Race Group Moderates Automatic Social and Racial Biases,” PSPB 35 (2009): 321.


A. Avenanti et al., “Racial Bias Reduces Empathic Sensorimotor Resonance with Other-Race Pain,” Curr Biol 20 (2010): 1018; V. Mathur et al., “Neural Basis of Extraordinary Empathy and Altruistic Motivation,” Neuroimage 51 (2010): 1468–75.


J. Correll et al., “Event-Related Potentials and the Decision to Shoot: The Role of Threat Perception and Cognitive Control,” JESP 42 (2006): 120.


J. Eberhardt et al., “See Black: Race, Crime, and Visual Processing,” JPSP 87 (2004): 876; I. Blair et al., “The Influence of Afrocentric Facial Features in Criminal Sentencing,” Psych Sci 15 (2004): 674; M. Brown et al., “The Effects of Eyeglasses and Race on Juror Decisions Involving a Violent Crime,” AMFP 26 (2008): 25.


J. LeDoux, “Emotion: Clues from the Brain,” Ann Rev of Psych 46 (1995): 209.


T. Ito and G. Urland, “Race and Gender on the Brain: Electrocortical Measures of Attention to the Race and Gender of Multiply Categorizable Individuals,” JPSP 85 (2003): 616; N. Rule et al., “Perceptions of Dominance Following Glimpses of Faces and Bodies,” Perception 41 (2012): 687; C. Zink et al., “Know Your Place: Neural Processing of Social Hierarchy in Humans,” Neuron 58 (2008): 273.


T. Tsukiura and R. Cabeza, “Shared Brain Activity for Aesthetic and Moral Judgments: Implications for the Beauty-Is-Good Stereotype,” SCAN 6 (2011): 138.


H. Aviezer et al., “Body Cues, Not Facial Expressions, Discriminate Between Intense Positive and Negative Emotions,” Sci 338 (2012); 1225; C. Bobst and J. Lobmaier, “Men’s Preference for the Ovulating Female Is Triggered by Subtle Face Shape Differences,” Horm Behav 62 (2012): 413; N. Rule and N. Ambady, “Democrats and Republicans Can Be Differentiated from Their Faces,” PLoS ONE 5 (2010): e8733; N. Rule et al., “Flustered and Faithful: Embarrassment as a Signal of Prosociality,” JPSP 102 (2012): 81; N. Rule et al., “On the Perception of Religious Group Membership from Faces,” PLoS ONE 5 (2010): e14241.


P. Whalen et al., “Human Amygdala Responsivity to Masked Fearful Eye Whites,” Sci 306 (2004): 2061.


К сноске: R. Hill and R. Barton, “Red Enhances Human Performance in Contests,” Nat 435 (2005): 293; M. Attrill et al., “Red Shirt Colour Is Associated with Long-Term Team Success in English Football,” JSS 26 (2008): 577; M. Platti et al., “The Red Mist? Red Shirts, Success and Team Sports,” JSS 15 (2012): 1209; A. Ilie et al., “Better to Be Red Than Blue in Virtual Competition,” CyberPsychology & Behav 11 (2008): 375; M. Garcia-Rubio et al., “Does a Red Shirt Improve Sporting Performance? Evidence from Spanish Football,” AEL 18 (2011): 1001; C. Rowe et al., “Sporting Contests: Seeing Red? Putting Sportswear in Context,” Nat 437 (2005): E10.


D. Francey and R. Bergmuller, “Images of Eyes Enhance Investments in a Real-Life Public Good,” PLoS ONE 7 (2012): e37397; M. Bateson et al., “Cues of Being Watched Enhance Cooperation in a Real-World Setting,” Biol Lett 2 (2006): 412; K. Haley and D. Fessler, “Nobody’s Watching? Subtle Cues Affect Generosity in an Anonymous Economic Game,” EHB 3 (2005): 245; T. Burnham and B. Hare, “Engineering Human Cooperation,” Hum Nat 18 (2007): 88; M. Rigdon et al., “Minimal Social Cues in the Dictator Game,” JEP 30 (2009): 358.


C. Forbes et al., “Negative Stereotype Activation Alters Interaction Between Neural Correlates of Arousal, Inhibition and Cognitive Control,” SCAN 7 (2011): 771.


C. Steele, Whistling Vivaldi and Other Clues to How Stereotypes Affect Us (New York: Norton, 2010).


L. Mujica-Parodi et al., “Chemosensory Cues to Conspecific Emotional Stress Activate Amygdala in Humans,” PLoS ONE 4 (2009): e6415; W. Zhou and D. Chen, “Fear-Related Chemosignals Modulate Recognition of Fear in Ambiguous Facial Expressions,” Psych Sci 20 (2009): 177; A. Prehn et al., “Chemosensory Anxiety Signals Augment the Startle Reflex in Humans,” Nsci Letters 394 (2006): 127.


H. Critchley and N. Harrison, “Visceral Influences on Brain and Behavior,” Neuron 77 (2013): 624; D. Carney et al., “Power Posing Brief Nonverbal Displays Affect Neuroendocrine Levels and Risk Tolerance,” Psych Sci 21 (2010): 1363. Некоторые связанные с темой результаты: A. Hennenlotter et al., “The linkd Between Facial Feedback and Neural Activity Within Central Circuitries of Emotion: New Insights from Botulinum Toxin-Induced Denervation of Frown Muscles,” Cerebral Cortex 19 (2009): 357; J. Davis, “The Effects of BOTOX Injections on Emotional Experience,” Emotion 10 (2010): 433.


L. Berkowitz, “Pain and Aggression: Some Findings and Implications,” Motivation and Emotion 17 (1993): 277.


M. Gailliot et al., “Self-Control Relies on Glucose as a Limited Energy Source: Willpower Is More Than a Metaphor,” JPSP 92 (2007): 325–36; N. Mead et al., “Too Tired to Tell the Truth: Self-Control Resource Depletion and Dishonesty,” JESP 45 (2009): 594; C. DeWall et al., “Depletion Makes the Heart Grow Less Helpful: Helping as a Function of Self-Regulatory Energy and Genetic Relatedness,” PSPB 34 (2008): 1653; B. Briers et al., “Hungry for Money: The Desire for Caloric Resources Increases the Desire for Financial Resources and Vice Versa,” Psych Sci 17 (2006): 939; C. DeWall et al., “Sweetened Blood Cools Hot Tempers: Physiological Self-Control and Aggression,” Aggressive Behav 37 (2011): 73; D. Benton, “Hypoglycemia and Aggression: A Review,” Int J Nsci 41 (1988): 163; B. Bushman et al., “Low Glucose Relates to Greater Aggression in Married Couples,” PNAS USA 111 (2014): 6254. Альтернативное толкование всех этих данных с точки зрения мотиваций и самоконтроля: M. Inzlicht et al., “Why Self-Control Seems (But May Not Be) Limited,” TICS 18 (2014): 127.


V. Liberman et al., “The Name of the Game: Predictive Power of Reputations Versus Situational Labels in Determining Prisoner’s Dilemma Game Moves,” PSPB 30 (2004): 1175; A. Kay and L. Ross, “The Perceptual Push: The Interplay of Implicit Cues and Explicit Situational Construals on Behavioral Intensions in the Prisoner’s Dilemma,” JESP 39 (2003): 634.


К сноске: E. Hall et al., “A Rose by Any Other Name? The Consequences of Subtyping ‘African-Americans’ from ‘Blacks,’” JESP 56 (2015): 183.


К сноске: K. Jung et al., “Female Hurricanes Are Deadlier Than Male Hurricanes. PNAS 111 (2014): 8782.


A. Tversky and D. Kahneman, “Rationale Choice and the Framing of Decisions,” J Business 59 (1986): S251; также см.: J. Bargh et al., “Priming In-group Favoritism: The Impact of Normative Scripts in the Minimal Group Paradigm,” JESP 37 (2001): 316; C. Zogmaister et al., “The Impact of Loyalty and Equality on Implicit Ingroup Favoritism,” Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 11 (2008): 493.

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