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Petr Vanitsyn - Time and eternity

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Time and eternity
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The whole cycle of work is of a confessional nature. In the books of the author, the reader will be able with attention to follow the dialogue of a man with an angel. Not accidental is the fact that the name of the first literary collection of works of the writer «the Angelic light».

Time and eternity

Petr Vanitsyn

© Petr Vanitsyn, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4485-0681-9

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Time and eternity

«Lived Prince Vladimir Bright Sun…»

«For centuries, this ancient, ancient…»

For centuries, this ancient, ancient,
Lived Prince Vladimir Bright Sun.
And it was all warm – heat
Holy cross was consecrated.
Everything was as in Paradise,
Tell You one,
In darkened times
Christ is not seen in the eyes.

Grigory Rasputin

Grigori Rasputin, a Russian Holy is,
In prayer, in words and in deeds unearthly,
And in the life of the ascetic was expensive
And death didn’t know, and to the sun soul,
He’s all bleached and Christ consecrated.



Stone mountain decoration,
Stone, the earth’s beauty.
Stone over evil destruction
Stone, a creation of the Creator.
Stone creates fire and heat,
The stone at the source and water around,
The stone one, and the world outside the window,
In a moment will blossom and be filled with the day.

«My earth, my path of heaven…»

My earth, my path of heaven,
My sinful path, my way is clean,
My way of wickedness and of light,
My path, where I’m looking for the answer.
My earth, my path of heaven,
My worldly path, my path Sunday,
My path as a country star,
Where in an instant sweep of summer.
In my way there are days of sin,
In my way there are days vices.
In my way there is love,
In my way there is cruelty.
My earth, my path of heaven,
My sinful path, my way is clean,
My way of sunset and sunrise,
My path where did not find the answer.

«Do you remember the flowers…»

Do you remember the flowers
You don’t remember smiles.
Forgotten too dreams
Coming from a branch.
How could You easily
How could all You nice.
But You went far
Where You live happily ever after.
In the far, far our region,
Where now in may,
Birds only the voices
From our native nests.
Good people Wake up,
Get up in the morning, say a prayer,
Go you on the field
Everything is peaceful, everything is native.

«Something think do…»

Something think do
Something clever to say,
All somewhere hurry,
Flying through the clouds, clouds.
Something think do
And forever all and calling me.
Write a great letter

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