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Юрий Низовцев - The United States against Russia. Whether everything is so obvious here?

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The United States against Russia. Whether everything is so obvious here?
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Whose will take in opposition of Russia and the USA? Weak Russia nowadays or the strong America? Is it possible to actually the victory any of the parties at this stage of development of a civilization? Why only Russians do not wish in their mass humbly to accept the consumerist values of the West and in what the Russian idea should consist?

Approach as Westerners, and Slavophiles to a peasant community is primitive.

It is known that Slavophiles, nativist and Westerners-socialists consider that the community is a basis of Russia whereas other part of Westerners supposed that the community is a remnant that it will disappear just as it disappeared in countries of Western Europe earlier. Respectively the first stood up for full support of a community, others – for transition to individual economy.

It is dispute not about that at all. Of course, eventually communities should to be broken up and give way to individual farms or collective farming of other form, as practice showed.

The thing is quite different. Peasant communities have disappeared in Russia recently. Do not forget also about the collective farms in the USSR. For this reason the consciousness of the Russian people still keeps, acting for many centuries in mass of the population, spirit of collectivism, mutual, sympathy of neighbor, reinforced by the fact that during the Soviet power individualism in no way encouraged, while in developed countries this spirit long gone away, replaced by individualism of private owner, which thinks only of himself.

That is national originality of the Russian people consists not in the community as Slavophiles claimed, but in consciousness of the people which many generations until recently were absorbing in themselves spirit of collectivism, support of the neighbor, friendship with it, but not hostility.

Russian people still keep this noble spirit, disinterestedly helping all who asks about it and do not wait for special gratitude. All other people are surprised, and some even sneer under "stupidity" of Russians who do not ask anything for support which sometimes was by the decisive for other peoples. If to remember the Soviet Union, Russians invested in economy of other republics so much that those began to live better, than Russians themselves who, in general, and did not complain.

This opposition of the Russian type of behavior, religiousness to values of more progressive the West was the main mistake of Slavophiles. It is impossible to oppose a one whole to another whole so as and an one, and another contain various components. Silly to cling to old way of life, outdated managing if more effective new appeared.

It is impossible to reproach Peter I with his aspiration to Europe so as without military and economic strengthening Russia would be already divided between her aggressive neighbors and what then would be with the Russian people? The Russian people quite could die out or be dissolved simply in other peoples which would begin to manage on their earth. The case is not in the correct seemingly behavior of the Russians and not in their religiosity about what they forgot after 1917, being at war with each other and throwing crosses with domes of churches. The case is in their consciousness, in which they have accumulated and have kept during many centuries those properties which is absent in consciousness of other peoples. We will in more detail tell below about it.

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