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Говард Рейнгольд - Умная толпа

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Умная толпа

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Мобильная связь и повсеместная компьютеризация уже начинают менять способы общения, трудовой и творческой деятельности, торговли, управления. Информационные технологии и их многообразное воздействие на различные сферы жизни общества — такова тема книги, предлагаемой вниманию читателей. Через десять лет, утверждает автор на основании многочисленных исследований, наблюдений и интервью, основные места средоточия населения Земли будут наводнены микросхемами, способными общаться друг с другом. Люди, оснащенные такими устройствами, составят «умные толпы», и их общение обретет невиданные прежде формы и возможности.

Для широкого круга читателей.

Не превратятся ли в ближайшие несколько лет нарождающиеся умные толпы в пассивных, хоть и мобильных, потребителей некоего нового, управляемого сверху средства массовой информации? Или же утвердится инновационная общественная собственность, где многие потребители будут иметь право творить? Смыкание технологий умных толп неизбежно. С тем, как мы решим использовать эти технологии и как власти позволят нам пользоваться ими, далеко не все ясно. Будут или это технологии сотрудничества или же дезинформационно-развлекательная машина? В ближайшие несколько лет все и решится. Как раз сейчас, когда сфера новых информационных сред еще не приобрела своего окончательного вида, столь важны наши знания и действия.



1. Source: CCC, Tsutaya, «http://nooper.co.jp/showcase/gallery.php?s=4 amp;l=en» (24 January 2002).

2. Karlin Lillington, «Mobile but Without Direction», Wired News, 21 September 2000, «http://www.wired.com/news/business/0,1367,38921,00.html» (28 January 2002).

3. Howard Rheingold, Tools for Thought: The History and Future of Mind-Expanding Technology (New York: Simon amp; Schuster, 1985).

4. Howard Rheingold, The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1993).

5. Arturo Bariuad, «Text Messaging Becomes a Menace in the Philippines», Straits Times, 3 March 2001.

6. Lisa Takeuchi Cullen, «Dialing for Dollars», Time Magazine 157 (22), 4 June 2001, «http://www.timeinc.net/time/interac-tive/business/money_np.html» (4 February 2002). See also: Kevin Wer-bach, «Location-Based Computing: Wherever You Go, There You Are», Release 1.0 18 (6), June 2000, «http://releasel.edventure.com/ abstracts.cfm?Counter=8096700» (4 February 2002).

7. «Japans Lonely Hearts Find Each Other with 'Lovegety'», CNN.com, 7 June 1998, «http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/asiapcf/9806/07/ fringe/japan.lovegety/» (26 January 2002).

8. Howard Rheingold, «You Got the Power», Wired 8.08, August 2000, «http://www.wired.eom/wired/archive/8.08/comcomp.html» (29 March 2002).

9. See.: eBay, «http://www.ebay.com»; Epinions, «http://www.epinions.com»; Slashdot, «http://www.slashdot.org»; и Plastic, http://www.plastic.com.

10. J. Carey, «Space, Time and Communications: A Tribute to Harold Innis», in Communication as Culture (New York: Routledge, 1989), 12.

Глава 1

1. Epigraph: Tom Standage, «The Internet, Untethered», Economist, 11 October 2001, «http://www.economist.com/surveys/ displaystoiy.cfm?story_id=811934». October 2001.

2. Raritan River Akita Club Inc. (RRACI), «Hachiko», «http:// www.nylana.org/RRACI/hachiko.htm» (28 January 2002).

3. Thomas Schelling, The Strategy of Conflict (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1960).

4. Guy Debord, La Societe du Spectacle (Paris: Buchet-Chastel 1967). «Mad Wing Cyber Girl Gang Arrested», Japan Today, 8 August 2001, «http://www.japantoday.com/e/?content=news amp;id=51700» (22 January 2002).

5. Howard Rheingold, Virtual Reality (New York: Summit, 1991).

6. Mizuko Ito, «Mobile Phones, Japanese Youth, and the Re-placement of Social Contact», Society for the Social Studies of Science Meetings, Boston, 2001, «http://www.itofisher.com/PEOPLE/mito/Ito.4S2001. mobile.pdf» (14 November 2001).

7. Eija-Liisa Kasasniemi and Pirjo Rautianen, «Mobile Culture of Children and Teenagers in Finland», in Perpetual Contact. Mobile Communication, Private Talk and Public Performance, ed. Mark Aakhus and James Katz (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002).

8. Rich Ling and Birgitte Yttri, «Hyper-Coordination via Mobile Phones in Norway», in Perpetual Contact: Mobile Communication, Private Talk and Public Performance, ed. Mark Aakhus and James Katz (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), 143.

9. Connie Garfalk, «Kids on the Move», Telenor Xpress 1, 2001, «http://www.telenor.com/xpress/2001/l/kids_move.shtml» (26 January 2002).

10. Ling and Yttri, «Hyper-Coordination via Mobile Phones in Norway», 153.

11. «Don't Leave Home Without It», J@pan Inc., «http://www.japa-ninc.net/mag/comp/2001/04/apr01_blowfish.html» (4 February 2002).

12. Dmitri Ragano, «Growing Up in the Age of the Keitai», TheFea-ture.com, «http://www.thefeature.com/printable.jsp?pageid=14395».

13. Michael M. Lewis, Next: The Future Just Happened (New York: Norton, 2001)

14. Rob Guth, «Japan's NTT Goes Global with New Company», E-Business World, 29 June 1999, «http://www.e-commerceworld.com/ idgns/1999/06/29/JapansNTTGoesGlobalWithNew.shtml» (24 February 2002). See also: Forbes International 500, «http://www.forbes.com/inter-national/» (24 February 2002).

15. Mari Matsunaga, The Birth of i-mode (Singapore: Chuang Yi Publishing Pte Ltd., 2001).

16. «Secrets of DoCoMo's Success», Wireless World Forum, 25 July 2001, «http://www.wirelessworldforum.eom/printout2.php/10235/0» (4 February 2002).

17. Matsunaga, The Birth of i-mode, 151.

18. Michele Yamada, «NTT DoCoMo to Launch Global Positioning Svc on Nov. 27», Dow Jones, 20 November 2001, «http://sg.biz.yahoo.com/011120/15/Iuh7d.html» (28 January 2002).

19. Steve Silberman, «Just Say Nokia», Wired 7. 09, September 1999, «http://www.wired.eom/wired/archive/7.09/nokia.html» (28 January 2002).

20. Kenneth Klee and Jennifer Bensko, «The Future Is Finnish», Newsweek International, 24 May 1999, «http://discuss.washingtonpost. com/nwsrv/Issue/21_ppa/printed/int/eur/ov3121_l.htm» (28 July 2001).

21. Klee and Bensko, «The Future Is Finnish».

22. Helsinki Arena 2000 Project, http://www.arenanet.fi/english/index.html» (28 January 2002).

23. Geographic Information Systems, http://www.usgs.gov/research/ gis/title.html (29 March 2002).

24. David Gelernter, Mirror Worlds, or: The Day Software Puts the Universe in a Shoebox. How It Will Happen and What It Will Mean (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992).

25. William Shaw, «In Helsinki Virtual Village…», Wired 9. 03, March 2001, 157-163, «http://www.wired.eom/wired/archive/9.03/helsinki.html» (29 March 2002).

26. C. Alexander et al., A Pattern Language (New York: Oxford University Press, 1977).

27. Silberman, «Just Say Nokia».

28. Richard Quest, «Nokia Keeps Finland Mobile», Time, 157, 4 June 2001, «http://www.time.com/time/interactive/business/nokia_np.html» (12 October 2001).

29. Klee and Bensko, «The Future Is Finnish».

30. Puneet Gupta, «Short Message Service: What, How and Where?», Wireless Developer Network, «http://www.wirelessdevnet.com/channels/ sms/feamres/sms.html» (4 February 2002).

31. Michael Pastore, «SMS Continues to Take Messaging World by Storm», Cyberatlas, 4 April 2001, «http://cyberatlas.internet.com/mar-kets/wireless/article/0,10094_733811,00.html» (28 January 2002).

32. Logica, «SMS to Drive Wireless Internet Forward», 26 June 2000, «http://www.nua.ie/surveys/index.cgi?f=VS amp;artid=905355866 amp;rel=trae» (28 December 2001).

33. Howard Rheingold, The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1993).

34. Kasasniemi and Rautianen, «Mobile Culture of Children and Teenagers in Finland».

35. Pasi Maenpaa, «Mobile Communication as a Way of Urban Life», in Ordinary Consumption, ed. Jukka Gronow and Allen Warde (London: Routledge, 2001), 107-124.

36. Tuomas Toivonen, unpublished thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 2001, «http://www.aula.ee/hakuhodo/aula_thesis/» (22 January 2002).

37. Alan Goldstein, «Information-Sawy Sweden Offers a Glimpse into the Future of the Mobile Internet», Dallas Morning News, 29 March 2001, «http:// www.mformobile.com/main.asp?pk=13755 amp;pollid=x» (1 August 2001).

38. Maija Pesola, «Simplicity Seems the Key for Location-Based Mobile Phone Games», Wireless Word, 20 July 2001.

39. Anne Torres, «4 Sme, Txtng is Lyf», The Feature, 18 April 2001, «http://www.thefeature.com/index.jsp?url=article.jsp?pageid=10667» (11 January 2002).

40. Benjamin Pimentel, «Cell Phone Craze May Be Key to Philippines' Future», San Francisco Chronicle, 11 February 2001, «http:// www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/02/ll/ BU166485.DTL» (24 May 2001).

41. Torres, «4 Sme, Txtng is Lyf».

42. Xinhua News Agency, «Thailand: Mobile Phone Network Paralyzed by Flood of Love Messages», 15 February 2001, «http:// www.ayg.com/sms/Article.po?id=339231» (20 January 2002).

43. Orange.com, «The Survey Said: Text Messaging the Ultimate Flirting Tool», 26 March 2001, «http://www.orange.com/english/ press_releases.html» (15 July 2001).

44. Leopoldina Fortunati, «The Ambiguous Image of the Mobile Phone», in Communications on the Move: The Experience of Mobile Telephony in the 1990s, ed. L. Haddon, a report to the COST248 work group, sponsored and published by Telia, AB. «http://members. aol.com/ leshaddon/OINTRO.html»

45. Mark Ashurst, «Africa: Now, a 'Quiet Revolution': Mobile Phones Leapfrog an Obstacle to Development», Newsweek International, 27 August 2001.

46. Sadie Plant, «On the Mobile: The Effects of Mobile Telephones on Social and Individual Life», «http://www.motorola.com/mot/documents/0,1028,297,00.doc» (11 November 2001).

47. Douglas Century, «Motorola Versus Blackberry: Texting Cultures, A World Divided into Two-Way-Pager Camps», 14 January 2001, «http:// www.xent.com/dec00/0761.html» (28 January 2002).

48. Fushi Tarazu, «DoCoMo's i-Mode Abroad?», The Motley Fool, 11 December 2000, http://www.fool.com/community/views/2000/ view001211.htm?ref=yhoomk» (23 February 2001).

49. Tony Emerson, «The Next Big Thing», Newsweek, 6 August 2001, «http://www.msnbc.eom/news/606561.asp#BODY» (12 January 2002).

50. Julian E. Barnes, «For Cellphone Holdouts, Worry Closes the Sale», New York Times, 19 September 2001, C6.

51. Simon Romero, «The Simple BlackBerry Allowed Contact When Phones Failed», New York Times, 20 September 2001, «http:// www.nytimes.com/2001/09/20/technology/circuits/20BERR.html» (28 January 2002).

52. Stewart Brand, «Founding Father: Interview with Paul Baran», Wired 9.03, March 2001, «http://www.wired.eom/wired/archive/9.03/ baran.html» (13 May 2001).

53. Ling and Yttri, «Hyper-Coordination via Mobile Phones in Norway».

54. Mark Aakhus and James Katz, eds., Perpetual Contact: Mobile Communication, Private Talk and Public Performance (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002).

55. Erving Goffman, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (Garden City, N. Y: Doubleday, 1959).

56. Ling and Yttri, «Hyper-Coordination via Mobile Phones in Norway», 159.

57. Garfalk, «Kids on the Move».

58. Alex S. Taylor and Richard Harper, «Talking 'Activity': Young People and Mobile Phones», paper presented at the CHI 2001 (Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems), Seattle, 31 March-5 April 2001, «http://www.es.colorado.edu/~palen/chi_workshop/papers/ TaylorHarper.pdf» (24 February 2002).

59. Ling and Yttri, «Hyper-Coordination via Mobile Phones in Norway».

60. Alexandra Weilenmann and Catrine Larsson, «Local Use and Sharing of Mobile Phones», in Wireless World: Social and Interactional Aspects of the Mobile Age, ed. B. Brown et al. (London: Springer-Verlag, 2001), 95.

61. Marko Ahtisaari, «Social Mobility», Out of the Blue — The J. Walter Thompson Magazine for Europe, Winter 2000/2001, 26.

62. Leslie Haddon, «The Social Consequences of Mobile Telephony: Framing Questions», in The Social Consequences of Mobile Telephony The Proceedings from a Seminar About Society, Mobile Telephony and Children, Telenor R amp;D N 38/2000, eds. Rich Ling and Kristin Trane, 26 June 2000, 2-6, «http://www.telenor.no/fou/prosjekter/Fremtidens_Brukere/ seminarer/mobilpresentasjoner/Proceedings%20_FoU%20notat_.pdf» (31 January 2002).

63. Erving Goffman, «Alienation from Interaction», in Communication and Culture, ed. Alfred G. Smith (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966).

64. Plant, «On the Mobile».

65. Leysia Palen, Marilyn Salzman, and Ed Youngs, «Discovery and Integration of Mobile Communications in Everyday Life», Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Journal, vol. 5 (2001): 109-122, «http://www.cs.colorado.edu/%7Epalen/Papers/cscwPalen.pdf» (5 February 2002).

Глава 2

1. David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature, ed. Ernest С Mossner (New York: Viking, 1986).

2. Netscan, «http://netscan.research.microsoft.com» (5 February 2002).

3. Howard Rheingold, The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1993).

4. Erving Goffman, The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (Garden City, N. Y: Doubleday, 1959).

5. Matt Ridley, The Origins of Virtue: Human Instincts and the Evolution of Cooperation (London: Penguin, 1996).

6. Garrett Hardin, «The Tragedy of the Commons», Science 16? (13 December 1968): 1243-1248.

7. Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, ed. Richard E. Flathman and David Johnston (New York: W. W Norton, 1997) [на рус. яз. Томас Гоббс. Сочинения в 2 т. М.: Мысль, 1991, т. 2].

8. John Locke, Two Treatises of Government (New York: Prentice-Hall, 1952) [на рус. яз.: Два трактата о правлении // Джон Локк. Соч. в 3 т. / Пер. с англ Е. Лагутина и А. Субботина. — М., 1985-1988. — Т. 3].

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